
Sunday, 1 January 2017

A Little Blue Bird

A little blue bird
Greeted me this morning
I recognized him at once
My beautiful old friend,
My only source of solace
In the gloomy days of last year.

I smiled and said him a 'hello'
He studied me for a while
Then cooed blithely; his happiness palpable
"What makes you happy, little bird?"
"Your smile that is shining in your eyes
I see you've risen above pain, little human
Finally outgrown those who've hurt you."
We gazed at each other for a minute
Silently revering our bond
I blew a flying kiss
He cooed once again and flew away.

A little blue bird
Has a piece of my heart
Perhaps he is from some fairy tale
Carrying some pixie dust 
Meeting him on new year was pure joy.

-Purba Chakraborty

Wish you all a very happy, prosperous and blessed new year!

Linking this poem with Poetry Pantry # 334

Indian Bloggers


  1. May the little blue bird sprinkles you with the pixie dust of joy all year long! Cute poem to welcome 2017. :)

  2. I love that wise little bird. It is good when we rise above the pain and turn our faces towards a new day. I loved this poem, Purba. Always so nice to see you in the Pantry.

    1. Thank you so much for your wonderful words, Sherry. Poets United is like family. It's so good to be there, amidst you all :)

  3. May this year bring you loads of happiness n success. Such a lovely poem :)

  4. This was beautiful. Very creative way to bring out the wishes!

    New year greetings.. :-)

  5. Wishing you loads of love, happiness & success dear, Happy 2017 & a lovely poem! <3

  6. May your pen sparkle and pour brighter as ever, Purba❤️ Exquisite write!

    Wishing you lots of love and best wishes. Happy New Year 2017❤️

    Lots of love,

  7. My little bird is a Cardinal, but no less cherished. Thank you,


  8. This is so lovely and happy with a deft touch of whimsy - such a delightful departure from the gloomy death throes of 2016. A pleasure to read!

  9. Have a great year ahead flying with the little blue bird.

  10. this is such a cute gift of a new year poem Purba...may your days be filled with happiness and joy...Happy New Year to you :)

  11. Cool poetry Pruba!! Keep writing

  12. Beautiful :)
    Wishing you a very Happy New Year.
    Best wishes.

  13. A perfect mix of image and word - it is very special indeed when we have a little blue bird to keep us safe

  14. Such a beautiful poem Purba!and your blue bird seems a friend of my they both disperse happiness and hope. loved to read it as the first thing here as I am trying to reconnect!:)

  15. Beautiful.
    Wish you Happy and Prosperous New Year.

  16. Carrying some pixie dust
    Meeting him on new year was pure joy.

    Such fulfillment in starting the year on a right note!


  17. Wish you happy New Year Purba. Reading this poem in New year filled me with hope that I'll also meet my blue bird one day, someday in 2k17. 😇

  18. Wonderful Poetical lines, Purba.. Interesting.. A Happy New Year to you and your family!

  19. Beautiful....may your friend remain close to you this year too......:)

  20. Lovely way to welcome 2017, Purba :) Wishing you a great year ahead !

  21. So sweet and tender, the thoughts of interacting with love as a bluebird.
    (I love the drawing too.)

  22. The Bluebird of Happiness! Perhaps not so much fairytale as allegory.

  23. I so loved the conversation buddy, it touched my heart <3

    Wish u and your family a very happy new year love.

  24. Thanks for sharing this immense joy with all of us. Hearty new year wishes to you.

  25. A lovely way to bid farewell to the year. Loved the poetic way.

  26. Your friend little blue bird is after my heart, dear Purba. So glad to meet him here, I hope I can carry a bit of his pixie dust magic in my heart all year long. Wish you the most amazing and magical 2017 :)

  27. How cute -- both the picture and the lines.
    Here's wishing you a very poetic 2017, dear Purba. <3

  28. A magical poem about a crucial relationship with the blue bird of happiness! Perhaps I can conjure him up here

  29. Simply love your poems- Here the bonding between girl and bird, the thread of pain all beautifully brought out!

  30. Unspoken words and emotions expressed beautifully:)


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