
Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Like a broken guitar

Like a broken guitar,
I lie mangled and overrun
In the labyrinth of life
Amid the sea of people.

My melody has fallen between cracks
As I gave myself to people
Who couldn't hear my music
My chords are broken
And I lie numb and soundless
Amid the charring noise
Seeping life out of me.

Like a lost child in a fair
I run from people to people
Asking countless questions 
As the questions multiply manifold.

Defeated, I close my eyes
Listen to my heart beats in silence
My broken strings gently collide
I hear some music; faint and delicate
Perplexed, I take a deep look within
Where I find an ocean of melody left
Although I am apparently broken.

-Purba Chakraborty

Indian Bloggers


  1. This is so beautiful Purba 💖💖 the emotions running in this poem are so raw, so palpable especially 'My melody has fallen between cracks as I gave myself to people who couldn't hear my music' sigh.. we often feel lost amidst the chaos in the world and believe identity to be lost.. but it turns out that it's still buried deep within inside of us.. waiting to come out. Beautifully penned. Thank you so much for participating at Prompt Nights and for your constant love and support 💖💖

    Lots of love,

  2. so beautifully penned Purba. Love the poignant note and the realization of infinite possibility within. The interview @ PU is great. However I don't know whether my comment there is published or not as I can't access PU for some bizarre technical reasons/errors it seems. Sigh.

  3. This is such a beautiful poem of attaining peace and joy through the healing process that naturally comes from within.... Loved it, Purba.... :-)

  4. luv the timidity yet the dare while healing

    much love...

  5. I somehow so resonate with every word of your beautiful heartfelt creation. Touched the right chord Purba.

  6. How beautiful and sincere this is Purba. There can be few of us that are not been hurt or broken in someway but this experience should make us stronger.

  7. This is such a precious piece of writing, so intricately weaved and personified..absolutely wonderful:)

  8. This is such a beautiful composition, Purba! There is a lot we look for outside but when we search the same within, it makes us even more sad!

  9. Such a beautiful composition dear with an equally beautiful message! When it comes to healing, rather than searching for external mediums, we should recognize our inner self.

  10. Very beautiful the end all our answers are within ourselves XXX

  11. This is such a beautiful poem, Purba!

  12. Very sad one. But yes well written.

  13. Lovely lines as emanating from the guitar strings...

  14. The guitar, broken but still full of song... what a powerful metaphor


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