Tuesday, 12 January 2016

Price for Spontaneity

I go to bed
Sharp at 11
Hectic deadlines awaiting
The next day.
A long day it's going to be,
My weary body needs sleep.
I reason with my mind
Yes! Sleep is the best thing for you.

I open my eyes
Pull my laptop 
Start typing a story
That was languishing somewhere
In my subconscious mind.
After 3 hours, I feel content and exhilarated.
I switch on the music
Soak in the moments
Feeling life is a beautiful party.

The tweeting of birds
Brutally break my reverie.
Biting my lower lip, 
I crash on my bed
I've to rush back to sleep.
Only four hours
For the strict alarm to ring
Well, that's the price
I've to pay for spontaneity.

-Purba Chakraborty

I am a very spontaneous person. Though I try my best to follow a routine life and do things in a planned way, I end up being spontaneous. Most of the times, it helps me and some other times, it lands me in crazy situations. 

Linking my poem on Spontaneity with Prompt Nights – Spontaneous or Not [2]

Indian Bloggers


  1. Ha.. spontaneity and insomnia are like twins I think

  2. LOVE - I can completely relate to this as I too am spontaneous in that way :D
    Beautifully penned. Thank you so much for participating Purba :D

    Lots of love,

    1. Then you sure know that feeling, when you get to sleep so less because of that spontaneous bout of writing/doing something when you should not :P
      Thank you dear Sanaa for your comment and for this prompt. I enjoyed writing an episode of my spontaneity :)

  3. Oh. That has happened to me as well. :) but it's a nice price to pay at times. :D

  4. Ah, spontaneity can be a slave-driver

  5. it does pay in the end to be spontaneous.....your spontaneity is your beauty...:)

    1. I totally agree with you. Thanks much, dear Sunaina :)

  6. A thought can come at any time. And, when it comes it needs to be written. :D Night, morning or evening, it cannot wait.

  7. Many ideas hit our mind when we are in sleep or maybe dreaming, no matter what the time is, we have to write down them before they're gone. I do this a lot too, spontaneously. Nice lines Purba :))

    1. Yes, it happens with me the most when I am in the midst of writing a novel. My sleep suffers greatly at night, but it gives me a lot of fulfillment in return :)

  8. That gives the best product too. :)

  9. I am spontaneous too but very good at sleep. My thoughts never overpower my sound sleep. They rather disturb others when I blabber in my sleep...Hehehe... Anyways, jokes apart, very nicely penned dear. :)

    1. That's lovely dear. I too love my sleep, but during the night, ideas love to visit me. he he :D
      Thank you sweetie :)

  10. Spontaneous action is key to blissful living. Krishna, in Geeta, said:

    "Sahajam karma kaunteya sadoshamapi na tyajet"

    Sahaj -> Spontaneous
    Karma -> Action
    Kaunteya -> Son of Kunti
    sadoshamapi -> even defective
    na -> don't
    tyajet -> abandon

    1. Thank you so so much, Ravish for sharing this. I will keep it in mind always :)

  11. It is OK to NOT BE OK ;) Hope you understand :)

  12. Happens with me too :) Very nicely penned :)

  13. I think this is an affliction of writers--you could be writing my story!

  14. Yes. for a creative person the right moment and momentum lost could result in the loss of the impact of the creation forever.Nice write Purba!

    1. Exactly, Rajeev. If I postpone an idea or thought, it just goes away. Therefore, I seize it and make use of it, when it visits me. Thank you :)

  15. I think we all go trough the same. I can relate to this.

  16. Happens with me all the time.. But you should also spare some time for your power nap keeping your thoughts aside.. it's equally important right? Beautifully penned. :)

    1. Yes dear! You are so right and I love my sleep. I compensate for it after dealing with my deadlines. I am so glad you liked it and could relate to it.
      Great to see you here, darling. Thanks much :)

  17. The price is worth paying for the rewards.

    You chose a unique subject line to write on.

    1. I definitely agree with you. Thanks for stopping by :)

  18. oh I so love these spontaneous nights :) a feeling of being alive away from mundane :) so so beautifully penned Purba :)

    1. Me too! Love those spontaneous nights. Thank you so much dear :)

  19. Now, I have done this a few times myself. Being spontaneous at times is fun. Sometimes it produces the best results:)

    1. I totally agree with you. Most of the times, it is very rewarding :)

  20. Wow what a beautiful blog.....

  21. It sure happens in our lives.. When a topic firms up in my mind for my next blog post, till that is fully typed and saved on my laptop, my mind is never at peace.. Strangely, all the important activities too go perfectly well in parallel in spite of this time going on the preparation of the Post.. I 100% believe in the Saying.. Where there's a Will, there's a way.. Great Poetical Lines, Purba!

    1. I also believe in the saying, Sir. It was great to know how you work on your blog posts, Sir. Thanks for the wonderful comment. Glad you liked the poem :)

  22. It sure happens in our lives.. When a topic firms up in my mind for my next blog post, till that is fully typed and saved on my laptop, my mind is never at peace.. Strangely, all the important activities too go perfectly well in parallel in spite of this time going on the preparation of the Post.. I 100% believe in the Saying.. Where there's a Will, there's a way.. Great Poetical Lines, Purba!

  23. I am also a spontaneous person and I totally understand how it feels to make plans and still not be able to follow them thoroughly!! Sometimes it feels so tiresome but in the end it's awesome! ;)

    1. ha ha :D
      You're so right, Hemangini. Loved your comment :)

  24. I can so relate to it. I did it on Saturday. Slept for a few hours. We, writers, do pay a heavy price of our spontaneity.


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