
Monday, 23 February 2015

A stranger's love letter!

It was a sweltering April afternoon. Natasha felt irked with the constant blabbering of the passengers in the train. Right at that moment, she got a savior. A small boy of around fourteen years old was selling second hand books in the train. Being the crazy bibliophile, she stopped the boy and started surfing the books that he carried along with him. She was filled with childlike exhilaration on spotting a wonderful collection of love poems by Pablo Neruda. She instantly took the book in exchange of forty rupees. The boy smiled at her and went away.

Natasha was happy with her new possession. The scorching heat and the chattering of passengers could not bother her in the same fervency now. She opened the book and noticed the name of its original owner: Sandeep Sen. The handwriting was neat and beautiful. Natasha read the name and paused for a minute to contemplate about how the first owner of the book could be like. May be, he was also a book worm like her.

 (Image Courtesy:

She finally pushed aside her thoughts and leafed through the pages of the book, reading a poem from here and there. As she was busy with her task, a paper escaped from the book and fell on her right foot. Natasha picked the paper at once. She unfolded the paper and saw that it’s a letter. The exhilaration that was ingrained in her face transformed to shock as she gazed at the first two words of the letter. She could not believe what she was seeing. The first two words of the letter read My Natasha.The curious mind of Natasha urged her to read the entire letter without ogling at only the first two words of the letter. 
My Natasha, 

Today, as usual, you did not look at me or spoke to me once before leaving for your office. I wonder why you cannot understand how much I pine for a loving look and a caring touch from you. I know you do not love me. Our marriage is just a compromise for you, to save the honor of your family. You still think about that worthless guy who left you one day before your wedding. I know you loved him and your heart is tainted with scars. But, at least don’t be so blind that you cannot see the profound love that I have for you.
I know I don’t have a charismatic personality. I am boring and not at all attractive. But, I can tell it with sheer confidence that no one in the world can ever love you more than me. I have loved you since childhood. You have never even cast a single glance on me, but whenever I went to your house to take tuitions from your father, I used to steal glances at you. You haven’t told me anything about you, but I know each and everything about you starting from your likes, dislikes to your fears.
I bought this book today “100 love sonnets by Pablo Neruda” not because I am fond of reading, but because I learnt that this is your favorite book. So, I will carry this book with me always. It would make me feel that you are closer to me and will give me the hope that one day, you will understand my love for you.

Natasha’s eyes welled up as she read the letter. She knew that she was not the Natasha whom Sandeep wrote this letter. He has written it for his wife whom he loved dearly and who did not love him. However, Natasha could feel the anguish of this stranger named Sandeep so deeply. She contemplated about how much this person loved his wife and wondered about the fate of the couple. Natasha wondered what made Sandeep sell the book which made him feel closer to his wife. 

Whenever Natasha reads this book or sees it lying in her bookshelf, a plethora of questions and thoughts grasp her. Despite not meeting or talking to Sandeep ever, he is the stranger Natasha could really never forget.

Thursday, 19 February 2015

Sweet Bedtime Rituals For Your Baby

The only reason I make time to visit my cousin’s house amidst my hectic schedule is to spend time with my little niece, Tiya. She is only one year old and spending time with her ebbs down all my stress and anxieties. I tell my cousin sister to just relax on the nights I am at her house. 

Over these days, I have formed some sweet bedtime rituals for my little one, my adorable niece. It is nice to have a particular bedtime ritual for a baby as it makes the baby feel loved, happy and comfortable. It is extremely important to ensure that the little baby gets a good night’s sleep and if we are able to follow a few things, then we can actually gift them a peaceful sleep. I have observed that Tiya loves listening to music. It makes her smile always. Therefore, I have found that mollifying Tia through beautiful lullabies would make her fall fast asleep.

Change the diaper
First of all, I change the diaper of Tiya when it’s time for her sleep. And when it comes to choosing the perfect diaper for my adorable little one, I cannot trust anyone else but Pampers. This is because unlike other diapers, which concentrate only on keeping the baby dry from outside, the new Pampers Baby Dry Pants keep the baby dry from inside too. So after changing Tia’s diaper, I am somewhat relaxed that she would have a good night’s sleep. I also ensure that the temperature of the room is moderate. 

A dreamland with lullabies
Now, the trick is in making Tia fall asleep. She is such an active and naughty baby that she would refuse to sleep every night. She will just keep gazing at everything and smile in frequent intervals. If I look into her eyes, she would feel more active and smile constantly. So, I try to avoid eye contact with my little one when it is time for her sleep. I carry her in my arms and take her to the window side. Tia gets a wonderful happiness in gazing at the moon and the stars. The calmness of the moon and the sparkling stars calms her down. So, when Tia is busy looking at the sky, I sing some beautiful lullabies to her. She gets soaked in the music while gazing at the moon and the stars with sheer reverence. Out of all the lullabies I sing for Tia, her favorite seems to be The Moon Lullaby and Twinkle Twinkle Little Star. 

Tender swinging motion to fill her eyes with sleep
After a few minutes, I can understand that sleep is slowing grasping Tia. I make her lie in the swinging cradle and then I push the cradle at regular intervals. The soothing music of the lullabies and the gentle swinging motion makes Tia feel secure and sleepy. Slowly, she falls asleep as I keep ogling at her innocent face. Watching my little one fall asleep is the most beautiful thing ever.

This post is written for a campaign by Pampers in association with Indiblogger

Friday, 13 February 2015

The Hidden Letters: A short EXTRACT and GIVEAWAY!

From Page 141 of "The Hidden Letters"

Time can be a person's biggest friend and also a person's biggest enemy. When time was ripe, Anaya had everything and now when time was against her, she had to give up her happiness. Time could make a person, it could break a person and most importantly, there was no way to control time. Anaya thought about the bizarre game of time as she stirred sugar in three cups of coffee. She knew this would be the last time she was having morning coffee with her husband and her daughter. Anaya was well aware that Olivia would nag her as she would wake her up early in the morning. However, Anaya went to Olivia's room and pulled the curtains of her room, making the sunrays kiss Olivia in her slumber.
"Mom, let me sleep. I slept at three in the morning."Olivia said pulling the blanket over her eyes.
"Oli, get up baby. Your mom wants to have the morning coffee with you today. Get up, darling." Anaya kept Olivia's head on her lap and caressed Olivia's hair.
"Is there some special ocassion today, Mom?" Olivia said rubbing her eyes. Olivia's words made Anaya smile sadly. Only Anaya knew the reason why this morning was different.
"You ask too many questions, Oli. It's just that your Mom wants to spend some time with you and your Dad. Got it? Now get up and come to the living room fast. I have to wake up your Dad too." Anaya said kissing Olivia's right cheek. 
Anaya went to her bedroom and saw Nishith sleeping peacefully. He did not have any idea how his life would change in a few hours. He did not know that he might be compelled to hate the person he loved the most. Anaya swallowed the lump in her throat as she gazed at Nishith in sleep.
"Goodmorning, Nishith." Anaya said caressing his forehead.
"Anu, why did you take the pain of waking me up?You have been writing the entire night. You need sleep." Nishith said as he opened his eyes.
"Quiet," Anaya said putting her finger on Nishith's lips.
"I hate it when you don't sleep properly, Anu." Nishith said getting up from his bed. 

The above is an extract of my second book "The Hidden Letters" and the lines resonate within me. 
Is it really possible to forgive the person you love if you get to know after several years, that he/she has hidden an integral truth from you?
It is a very special book for me for two reasons. Firstly, the character of the protagonist, Anaya is very dear to my heart and secondly, because of the true love that exists between Nishith and Anaya. For the purpose of Valentine's Day, I thought to conduct a giveaway of this book. All you need to do is enter the Rafflecopter giveaway. It will take just a minute. You need to either like my facebook page or follow me on twitter or tweet about the giveaway. For more chances of winning, do all the three things. One winner will get a personalized copy of the book.

You can check out the reviews of "The Hidden Letters" here 

Monday, 2 February 2015

Soulmates and Twinflames

Being a deeply spiritual person, I believe that I don’t have a soul; I am a soul which has a body. In every life, I had got many companions. They are my soul companions and whenever I have met an old companion in this life, I have felt a deep connection with him or her.

A soul mate or a soul companion is never restricted to lovers. A soul mate can be a husband or wife, a parent, a child, a best friend or a sibling…someone with whom you feel a profound connection and who understands you well. You never have to try too hard to make yourself understand when you are with a soul companion. He or she can grasp your words even when you are silent.

Source: Google Images

I feel my Dad is my soul companion. Despite our natures being so different, he understands me completely. Whenever I talk with him over a cup of coffee, I gather so much strength. I feel that he knows me since ages. The same way I feel for my best friend, Priyam. I met her in class eight and on the first day of school, I saw a certain light in her eyes. She is so much different from me but she understands me so much. Even when we don’t talk for weeks and months , it doesn’t feel a gap has been created between us. We always tell each other that we have been sisters in some life. I can be totally myself with her.

Source: Google Images

Now, let’s talk about the romantic meaning of soul mates. 

“But how will I know who my Soul mate is?”
“By taking risks,” she said to Brida. “By risking failure, disappointment, disillusion, but never ceasing in your search for Love. As long as you keep looking, you will triumph in the end.”~Paulo Coelho (Brida)

More precisely, the soul mate who has been our spiritual counterpart since ages is known as the twin flame. A twin flame is not a companion who you have met in some life-time; he or she is the other half of your soul. 

“He is more myself that I am. Whatever our souls are made of, his and mine are made of the same.”~ Emily Bronte (Wuthering Heights)

It totally depends on one’s karma, destiny and luck to meet one’s twin soul in a life-time. Throughout our life, we get many dreams or fantasies about that person who is exclusively made for us.

The first meeting of twin souls generally happens in unusual circumstances and events. Both of them can sense an uncanny feeling of familiarity the moment they meet each other. The feeling is so uncanny that they cannot put it into words. Twin souls can look into each other’s eyes for hours, without realizing how the minutes are flying by. No relationship can be deeper than the one that exists between twin souls.

For more information on twin souls, you can read

I completely believe in both the term “soul mates” and “twin flames”. Destiny definitely brings them in our life but how we deal with them depends totally on us.

The moment I chanced upon you,
I cognized my quest has ended
The surreal imageries occupying my psyche
Are no longer an illusory mirage.

The fervency of your silent gaze,
Pierced through my heart
The ethereal words you whispered
Put my soul on a graceful motion.

Perceiving myself through your eyes,
I could unveil my camouflaged facets
Like a mirror you stood
Honoring my reflection and rumination.

Hand in hand, we meandered around
Like two birds with one wing each;
The journey we embarked on
Seems to be a beautiful Arcadia.

You are my spiritual counterpart
We are two peas in a pod
Our love, eternal and imperishable
And the soul tale goes on and on.

 Source: Google Images

This post is written as a part of Indispire at Indiblogger.